mandag 31. januar 2011


When the snow melts i will take my floor covering math and go outside at the football field (soccer). I will gather my breakdance friends and we will battle. Sweet!

Foot work --> --> --> CCs (switches)

(CCs is the move that i call switches)
Switches is an easy foot work move. Actually, i cant say "switches" is easy, beacause it is not one trick. Switches is simply that you do the same move at both sides (right and left). You can do switches at your knees, your back, your feet and maybe even in your top rock.
A switches can easily be made by anyone, but it is hard to make an easy and cool one. The good thing about the move is that it is easy and it is cool. Search CCs on youtube to get the most common CC.

onsdag 26. januar 2011

Power moves - windmill

Windmill is a powermove that was invented by crazy leg. The original windmill is called Original spin, and was a backspin starting in a windmill position. Crazy legs took a original spin, and while he was spinning on his back, he slowly stopped spinning. Then he wondered; "how can i continue this spin?", because he wanted to spin more and more. Then he figured out that he could spin back up to his starting position. And that is the origin of the windmill. Windmill is a move that takes a lot of practice, it is a cool move, and not that hard. Especially if you learn it from someone who is good at it. If you want to learn windmill you should learn backspin first, because if you dont, (like me) it will take longer time to learn windmill. When you can do a good backspin, (the better backspin, the easier windmill) You can try to start the backspin from the windmill position (also turtle position). When you get  better on that you can try to get up from your back and return to your starting position. Something important is to spin down on your right shoulder and up on your left shoulder. DONT LAND STRAIGHT ON YOUR BACK! Try to spin on the upper part of your back. It will hurt when you try in the beginning, but after a while it will get better.
Here are a pro windmill, he is doing windmill without his hands (Just what i call it, actually he is not using the windmill position)

tirsdag 25. januar 2011

Power moves - back spin

Back spin is the basic power move. If you want to learn any power moves especially windmill, you should learn backspin first. Don`t go straight ahead to your windmill. It will take you twice as much time to learn windmill if you don`t learn back spin first, trust me, i`ve been there, done that.
Back spin is simply spinning on your back, but it takes s lot of practice to make a good back spin. If you want me to make a video guide for backspin. Please tell me. Even though i am just 13 i promise that i will make a better tutorial than many youtube videos that i have seen. Please let me know if you want a good backspin tutorial.

mandag 24. januar 2011

In case of emergency - Break Dance

I need to buy one of theese and put it in my room!


Drops are moves used when you do top rock and want to start doing foot work. Like any other kind of steps there are easy and hard versions. One easy one is the knee drop, where you simply put on of your foots behind the other knee. Then you bend the knee with the foot behind and sit down forward. You can find this easy trick on youtube if you want to. Drops are used in almost every solo including top rock and foot work. If my knee drop tutorial was too bad (i think it was) then click the link for a tutorial on youtube:
Here are a link for a tutorial where you learn a drop that is often used with powermoves (especially windmill). I just call it powermove drop.

søndag 23. januar 2011


Freezes are when you stop in your dance and hold your position. Some freezes are easy like the baby freeze, but others are harder like one handstand, air chair and airbaby. In some freezes you have to be really strong, in other you have to be very flexibel and some freezes are just abilities you are born with. A freeze dont really need to be a hard or sick position, but it can just be a stop while you are dancing.

Foot work

Foot work is the basic movement on the floor. It is often just the base of the breakdance, but if you wanna learn to breakdance. You have to learn foot work, because when you dance you will always need foot work. When you are able to do footwork, you can combine it with other stuff like freezes, powermoves, glides, spins and a lot more.
Here are some people doing some top rock and foot work. Enjoy ; )


Toprock is all the break steps that you do when you stand. Toprock is often(always) the start of a break dance solo. When you do toprock it is important to listen to the beats. To be good at toprocks is really to dance with the music. All you do to learn top rock is to learn some basic tricks, turn on the music and dance!

Here is a simple top rock guide for beginners:

Here can you see, all the tricks they do when they stand are toprocks, almost all solo`s start with toprocks.

lørdag 22. januar 2011

Here are a link to a huge list of breakdance songs!

Breakdance joke

Q: How was breakdancing invented?

A: A Nigger tried to steal hub caps off of a moving car.

I just started training headspin!

Now my break dance trainer finally allouds me to train headspin. And now he will acually help me in my breakdance lessons.
He told me that i had to be able to headstand in 4 min (easy match), and i had to take off my shoes, socks and my t-shirt while i was headstading! I had a test before christmas, and i did it. Now i have started training, and i feel the pain in my head. Because my helmet is so hard, i am going to put something soft in my helmet next training. I really look forward to continue the training!

fredag 21. januar 2011

break battles

You are my friend

"It doesnt matter if your Black, White, Asian, Spanish, Jewish, or Canadian. If your a Bboy, your my friend."

My favourite bboy

No life without breakdance

a life without breakdance is like:
a day without food
a day without drinking
a year without summer
a plant without water

breakdance is everything!

Breakdance for ever!